Psychic Services
Please call the store to book your appointment.
1/2 Hour Reading $45
1 Hour Reading $85
Intuitive Spell Casting (30 min) $45
Please call the store to book your appointment. 702-986-8568
Michelle’s Class Schedule
Witchy Wednesdays
2nd Wednesday of the month
$10.00 - 6:30 pm
with Michelle
Join our Witchy Community. We will open a circle, do an energy healing for the Earth, close the circle. We discuss events related to our own spiritual path, sharing helpful rituals and practices. Spend the time with the people who understand you are unique and will respect your path.
Exploring the Psychic Arts
1st Friday of the month
$10.00 - 6:30 pm
with Michelle
We will explore the various psychic arts; the Clair’s, psychometry, mediumship, etc…
She will begin the class with a guided meditation, then lead everyone in a discussion of the chosen psychic art, and then finish with practicing the chosen psychic ability. Each class will be themed on a different psychic art.
She will begin the class with a guided meditation, then lead everyone in a discussion of the chosen psychic art, and then finish with practicing the chosen psychic ability. Each class will be themed on a different psychic art.